Once it finds a BoM feature it will begin cycling through the Table Annotations for the feature. All Orders will begin by searching for a BoM feature within the set of features contained in the drawing. Once selected, All Orders will open the drawing for importing the components. Click it to browse for the related drawing file. You will see in the toolbar at the top of the new screen is a Solidworks button. In All Orders open an assembly or start creating a new one and then under the Bill of Material tab click the Edit Bill of Materials button. On a machine where All Orders and Solidworks are both installed, All Orders is able to read a Solidworks drawing and generate a new Bill of Material based on it. Simply browse for and select the BOM's corresponding drawing file and All Orders will do the rest! Using the propriety drawing files created by Solidworks, All Orders can now populate Bill of Material components and attributes without users having to manually update them in All Orders. All Order can now integrate with Solidworks!